We are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the United Nations, one of whose founding members is Turkey.
Since 1945, when the UN was established, radical changes have been experienced in the international system, the most significant of which is that the number of the member states has increased and that the perception of problems and threats and the methods to fight against them have also changed. Despite all these changes and problems, the UN continues to play a vital and irrevocable role in providing international peace, stability and security.
Such global challenges as economic crisis, poverty, environment, human trafficking and terrorism are only possible to resolve through cooperation on a global scale. The United Nations is the sole universal forum where this international collaboration is realized with the broadest participation and on the legitimacy base.
Corroborating the UN’s studies as in the past, Turkey has undertaken a further responsibility with its UN Security Council membership for 2009-2010. Turkey has continued to make contributions and effective activities in the past years towards the establishment of international peace and stability and enhancement of the global prosperity, displayed tireless efforts for mutual tolerance, accordance and understanding between different religions, languages, cultures and ethnicities and also conducted tangible studies at the national level and within the scope of the UN to reach the Millennium Development Goals.
As a responsible member, Turkey, on the 65th anniversary of the UN, will continue with its active policy and contribute to the achievement of the UN system, believing in it.
I hereby hope the UN’s services will bring peace and prosperity to humanity and wholeheartedly celebrate the United Nations Day.